My new office, and a request for help

My new office, and a request for help.

 For the past few weeks, I’ve been setting up my home office for writing Cerebellix’s sequel, Third Wave. 

Cerebellix was written in 2021 over a five month period, and mostly at my local library. I could have written at home, but chose the library because, well, that’s where the books are. It just seemed appropriate. 

While I loved my time writing at the library, this time things are a little different. My mother, who is elderly and struggling with dementia, can’t be left alone for long. Plus, I just want to write at home!

But I needed a place mostly distraction-free. Hence the office. So far, I’ve loved it! 

Now… for a little bit of help. A few days ago, I received a great little betta as a birthday gift, but I can’t decide what to name him! And… “Neal’s little writing buddy” isn’t acceptable long-term. (Much like the ‘Washington Football Team’).

In a comment below, throw me some suggestions. I’ve thought of Hemingway, Orwell, or Huxley. But it could be anything. Help me find a name we’ll all love!